Thursday, November 8, 2007

Good Bye, Cali. Hello, Oregon!

Well, the vacation is half over, and we still have a week left! I can't believe we are taking such a long vacation. We had a pretty good week, and ran around seeing lots of old friends. It was certainly fun seeing familiar faces and showing off my little ones. No one had seen Jecoa yet, and it sure was special to have everyone meet him.

I'm a little nervous about tomorrow. So, my mom got a mammogram last week. They found a couple questionable spots and did a biopsy, she'll hear back from her doctor today or tomorrow. I hate getting all swept away with feelings and emotions, so I'm trying to just take it easy and wait for the news.

I'm also so excited to see my new little niece. She looks so much like my sister, I can hardly wait to see her in person.

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